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    Troll in the Playground
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    Washington, D.C.

    Default Re: League of Legends XXIV: Today's Noob Strat, Tomorrow's New Meta

    Quote Originally Posted by potatocubed View Post
    I consider it in terms of money spent versus hours of entertainment gained: generally speaking I expect each £ I spend to provide an hour of entertainment - it used to be £2 to an hour, but cheap games on Steam have spoiled me.

    With ~300 games played on LoL, they've more than earned the ~£40 I've spent on it so far.
    Same here. I've sunk about $70 US on the game ($20 for the first champion pack, $30 for the second champion pack, $20 for the rune page bundle). I've mostly avoided buying skins and champions with RP.

    I've got about 700 SR games, 300 bot games, 80+ Dominion games, so that's a huge chunk of time and it's been worth it.

    P.S. Off-topic, but I think we're moving quickly into a marketplace where consumers will be directly paying artists for their work. We have to get used to supporting people whose work we value and enjoy.
    Last edited by Joran; 2011-10-24 at 02:11 PM.