Hm, this is definitely a problem... something about new terrain being generated apparently crashes random clients. Somehow. With no error messages. :/

I'm wondering though: Did you overwrite the previous version or did you start over with a clean jar? If the former, try the latter.
Applying the ModloaderMP fix might also do something for you there.

Mods currently in use:
- AutoRepair (Does just that, as long as you have sufficient materials. Gold tools in addition to that can also be repaired with a bunch of gravel, making both useful again.)

- ChopTree (Timber, yo.)

- EndermanPickup (Prevents them from doing that.)

- MineralVein (Bunches ores further together, making them harder to find but richer once you do. Different experience, that. Does not affect the ICē ores.)

- LogBlock (I just readded it, without Spout dependencies. So far nothing seems to have broken.)

- Runecraft (Runecraft, yo.)

- MobChange (Lets us change what comes out of a mobspawner. Why do we have this? Because mumblemumble.)