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    Troll in the Playground
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    Jun 2009
    California, USA

    Default Re: (Pathfinder) The Curse of the Crimson Throne IC

    Rennard nods at Kalinda's words and thanks her former companion for the tip

    What are we waiting for? whispers Reve inside of the fencer's mind, excitement in her voice

    It is none of our business. The probability of us finding woman when half of the city will be after her reward is incredibly low. Also, we might be facing an unknown number of enemies tomorrow. Logic dictates that we allocate our efforts and our energies in the most effective manner responds the magus in his usual academic tone

    Reve smiles, as if expecting that answer Don't look down on good fortune, my bonded. Besides, no harm in asking a few questions here and there, right?

    Rennard sights, realizing that it would take as much effort to argue with the rapier as to take some action about the situation

    Don't know why, but it seems that Reve's smile just turned wider

    We will cover more ground if we spread out. Who would be willing to go with me to the Citadel? We could try asking the Field Marshal for information and we could also question Verick Soldado to see if he knows anything.
    Last edited by Drothmal; 2011-10-29 at 08:44 PM.