
Gender: Female, apperrantly.
Race/Species: Fae, unknown specifics.
Age: Looks to be in her prime, unknown specifics.
Alignment: Seems to be outside typical classification.
Class/Profession: Fae, unknown specifics.
Power Rating: Officially A rank, but this is questionable. May vary.
Description: A six-foot-tall humanoid with a definitely female build and a male face, the most distinguishing feature is her bright pink skin. She also has ears that (oddly) come to two points. The color of her clothes, hair, and eyes varies; but she only seems to have a single color besides her pink skin. Her clothes and hair change in style alongside the color change.
Personality: Does ‘completely unexpected’ count? She seems to be haughty, and seems to think herself superior to others. However, how exactly she behaves varies too much to pin down a proper personality.
Equipment: She always seems to have a bag or pouch in which she holds a physically impossible amount of stuff. These items are always mundane, but vary from sticks to ladders to heavy machine guns with silver rounds to high explosives to rubber duckies.
Abilities: Has shown amazing magic powers, with minimal limit. Interestingly, no offensive or defensive powers have been displayed. She instead relies on her surprising physical prowess in combat, coupled with items pulled from her bag.
Shows resistance to all physical harm, regenerating or ignoring most damage. High enough quantities (like explosives or a big sword) will do harm, but she appears to be able to recover from even complete dismemberment given enough time, up to several weeks.
SHE DOES HAVE A WEAKNESS, but it is undisclosed at this time.
Backstory: Fae: a being whose thoughts and motivations are so far beyond us.
Miscellaneous: I have a trick for her, can you figure out what it is?