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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Home of the Chicken Wing

    Default Re: [Rail] Academy City OOC II : ONEESAMA!!!!

    As I said, It will react reasonably to Certain situations, and based on Carver's perception of what is happening, can alter what the illusion does.

    Example, when carver first created the illusion to lure Frank, he did so with a set goal in mind, to lure Frank outside.

    With Carver's basic knowledge of the layout of the building from walking around it earlier, it would react accordingly to what Carver knows. Much of this is admittedly unconcious but still occurs, and if Carver has no prior knowledge of something the illusion will have no reaction to such.

    Admittedly, yes some things are impossible to create instantaneously, but again much of his ability relies upon his knowledge, do you need to elaborately think about what you look like? No you most oftenly can simply think of something you know about and an image will spring to your mind. That is in essence is what happens. While yes I may not have been as descriptive of this as possible I dont think of it as overpowered as you say, an illusion is only as effective as long as one believes it to be real, if one knows it to be an illusion the effectiveness it has quickly fades.

    Another limitation to it's effectiveness is that you need direct eye contact, ergo sunglasses effectively nullify his ability and anyone prepared to deal with him as such would be able to easily avoid his ability.

    Just my opinion though.
    Last edited by Cole10000; 2011-10-31 at 05:29 PM.
    There is good, there is Evil, and someplace inbetween.

    The main difference is Evil is much more fun.