Jensi and Rennard

You find Verick Soldado in the Citadel's barracks. He, along with numerous other guardsmen and -women are there. Verick, like the rest, is dressed in his civilian clothes, in his case, a brown tunic, dusty grey pants, a worn leather belt, and a wool cloak. They are hastily pulling on chain mail, belting on sheathes, and slipping their tabards over it all. "Let's go, people," Verick calls to the guards. "We're moving in five, so get in motion!" With an expert hand, he finishes his own preparation and then turns to face you. "I don't have long, I'm afraid, but you did save my life, and that's worth a few minutes. What do you need?"

Aldrin and Atavian

Eel's End is now familiar to you, if not particularly pleasant. Mentioning that you need information from the King of Spiders quickly gets you an escort into the "throne room." Luckily, the half-ogre Aldrin ruthlessly put to sleep is nowhere to be seen.

Barvasi smiles a smooth, sly grin, arrogant and self-assured. "Welcome, welcome! I am pleased to see you, though it is ever so much a disappoint that you did not bring your illustrious champion at knivesies," he clucks.

"Alas, indeed, for our lack of joyous games, but even where he here, business comes first, does it not?" And I would imagine you're here for just that, though my company is undoubtedly enjoyable. I would further imagine that you are here because you would like to find Trinia Sabor. Unfortunately my memory is not what it once was... sometimes it needs to be jogged..."


The paladin follows Jensi and Rennard to the Citadel, but parts ways with them to go into the Field Marshal's office. Kroft is there, and is just ushering several Guard captains out from a briefing when you arrive. "Dastan," she says; "here about the latest news? I don't know how it's gotten out already - we only learned a few hours ago - but it's not good. I'm worried it will start another riot, or that some mob will just lynch the murderer before we can do anything about it."