Aldrin crosses his arms and frowns, looking Barvasi right in the eyes. "You know full well I'm not giving a filthy piece of scum like yourself a single copper for the information. Instead I propose we settle this in a far more engaging manner." The sorcerer unties a large sack from his belt, and unceremoniously drops it onto the floor in front of him. Gold coins spill over the edges of the bag, falling out of their container. At the same time, he procures the dagger that he had shown Jensi and Atavian earlier this day, and grips it tightly.

"All the money I have on me. Over one thousand in total if you'd care to count. Defeat me in a duel and it's all yours, plus whatever other goodies you find on my person. If I win, on the other hand, you tell me what we need to know about Trinia Sabor and I'll be on my way."

He glares at the King of Spiders with a fire in his eyes and challenges, "Do you accept? Or will be a coward like the vermin you are and have your henchmen handle all your affairs?"

I get the feeling this isn't going to work, but...
Intimidate: (1d20+11)[21]