Jason John
Alias: Red Ranger
Age: 20
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Profession: Power Ranger!
Power Rating: C+?
Description: John John is a well built man with a shaved head and fair skin. He also has brown eyes. His Ranger Uniform consists of a red jumpsuit with white diamonds that go around his chest, white boots and gloves, and a red helmet with a tinted visor and a mouth that isn't usable as a mouth.*
Personality: To be seen
Equipment: Power Morpher, Power Sword, Mini-Zord(inactive)*
Ablities: A hand-to-hand and melee combatant, he is well skilled in both. He is also fantastic at using his Mini-Zord...before it lost its power charge.
Back Story: Jason was the Red Ranger until he was hit so hard, he was fell into another dimension.