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Thread: [BitP:R] Soul Society 4

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Soul Society 4

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicklance View Post
    "We have yet to receive any updates from the 4th Division about your injuries...are you..alright?" Aya asks with unfeigned concern in her eyes.
    Quote Originally Posted by HirokatsuGoto View Post
    Day 21, late afternoon

    Taro Banzuke, 3rd Seat of the 10th Division (Acting 10th Division Captain):
    (On the way to a spar with his future his Vice Captain Aya, stopped with the old VC of the 10th Myojin)

    Taro halted in place at the sudden appearance of his old Vice Captain. His eyes looked around from side to side and he tried to focus on his surroundings wondering if this was some kind of trick. With all the recent surprises, one as seemingly and blatantly positive almost came across as TOO positive and convenient.

    He did not speak as Aya spoke to Myojin, instead he continued to reach out and "feel" at Myojin with his senses. He did not feel right at all, his spiritual power was definitely not what he remembered. This had all the signs of a trick, but what was the meaning of it? Myojin did not SEEM different, his speech and forthright actions were accurate, but something WAS off.

    Taro searched for the right words to say as Aya conveniently had filled the silence with her questions.

    The massive Taro then took a step forward to Myojin, his eyes had concern in them, but for his massive size and the amount of paperwork he carried, he seemed relaxed. When he spoke, his tone however was not so relaxed. Far from questioning or harsh, his tone still cut a little, almost as if he was a little upset with the ex-VC for some reason.

    "Myojin-san... it is good to see you....and while i do not want to speak for Aya-san here, i think i am right in assuming neither of us have done anything out of the ordinary to stand here before you with our temporary posts...we only stepped up to what was asked for us by the Captain."

    Taro nodded as Aya asked about his injuries and added on.

    "...indeed Myojin-san...are you recovered? And if so, are you officially reporting in for duty?...if so...we will need to discuss your least until the Captain returns to duty."

    Taro was still trying to piece together what to do with the situation. Myojin was a VERY good Vice Captain. He had looked up to him in many ways, but he did not feel right, he did not feel the same. Taro looked passed Myojin as he awaited his answer, seeing the sumo arena not too far off. Taro began to think of a plan.

    Myojin's smile turns into a neutral expression.

    "I wasn't attempting to imply that you had done anything odd, Banzuke-dono. Merely that, from what I had heard, you had been doing well."

    Myojin slouches a little, and looks downward, something neither Aya or Taro had ever seen. He actually looks sad, or possibly ashamed, emotions he has never displayed in memory.

    "And yes, I am fully healed, at least physically. My reiatsu, however, has been semi-permenantly damaged. I... I pushed myself too far. I am returning to duty... According to Captain Taiki, as a temporary 5th seat, to be promoted to 4th after Konpaku-domo's promotion. He visited me shortly before my release from the hospital."

    Myojin straightens up, signs of sadness gone.

    "But I'm back in the line of duty, and that's what matters."
    Last edited by CMOTDibbler; 2011-11-05 at 12:27 PM.
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