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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Rail] Academy City OOC II : ONEESAMA!!!!

    As I said, there were other reasons, such as it seeming to be a better fit for the character. (And tying in with him having a sister, since that way they could both attend the same place, though I didn't mention that)

    In any case, I get what you mean. It's just I'm not sure how to do that, considering that he's still injured and so many other people (everyone, so far as I can tell) are doing other things. I might be able to do some sort of thing with the hospital he's at being robbed, if there are any characters about that would get involved... Are there any PCs about that that would draw in?
    Last edited by Lady Serpentine; 2011-11-01 at 01:52 PM.