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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Dec 2010

    Default Re: (Pathfinder) The Curse of the Crimson Throne IC

    Aldrin and Atavian

    Barvasi grins. "Now now, my dear little demi-human, would I be much of an information broker if I revealed to you how I get my information?

    And you insult me: the fact that I know does not mean other do! My talents ensure that I know much that others do not!

    But if it appeases your worried little mind, I will say that I have not claimed the reward for two reasons: first, it's bad for business to be implicated in this sort of thing. My associates would never do business with me again for fear that I might turn witness against them. Second: because it seems dubious to me that, were I to march up to the Castle, anyone would believe that I had not gained my knowledge from involvement in the crime itself. And I assure you, execution is not my preferred reward! So there you have it."
    Last edited by Leviathan; 2011-11-02 at 01:17 PM.
    Fantastic avatar by Ceika.