Quote Originally Posted by Rebelhero View Post
So is anyone else worried about the official background ponies names starting a small rift in the fandom?

Ive already seen signs it. Deviant art exploded with pictures of Lyra choking HeartStrings. Blues and Noteworthy in sing off's Carrot top and golden harvest staring each other down...
As a fan base grows and ages the probability of it developing deep fractures increases towards one -- Soras' First Law of Fandoms

Under the circumstances, we've been shockingly nice -- GLaDos, paraphrased

Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
If they're at the restaurant I think they were at, the TV has on-demand programming and like a million channels. So that might actually be accurate. Not 100% sure though, there are more than 20 different Indian restaurants around the Berkeley campus.
Fascinating, well for that I would say that if you can get the Hub then pony episodes come around with high frequency. I'm more puzzled they would ask on a Sunday y'know, since I'm sure all of them have it downloaded and its well Sunday not Ponyday. I would buy say pulled out a laptop no problem. I think I found the solution to this conundrum.

Knowing they were being reported on they asked for it to happen at the reporter's behest as real time demonstration.