Quote Originally Posted by Ranger Mattos View Post
I know you don't live in Wisconsinland, but I'm still going to stay off the roads for a while.

ION: I got into a browser war with a friend today and it lead me to an astounding conclusion about human nature. It went something like this:

Me: How come you like Google Chrome? Both Firefox and Opera are better.

Friend: Google Chrome is the best browser EVAR.

Me: I disagree. As I have said, I find Firefox to be better.

Friend: You're just wasting your time. Firefox sucks.

Me: And why exactly do you think that?

Friend: Because Chrome is better.

Me: You've already said that, but you have yet to prove it.

Friend: It's better because Firefox sucks.

Me: You still have no proof.

Friend: I don't need proof. It's goddamn Chrome. It doesn't need proof that it's the best.

Me: Actually, if you're going to convince me, you kind of do need proof.

Friend: The proof is that Firefox sucks.

*this continues for some time*

Me: You still haven't proved anything. How about I prove that Firefox is a superior browser in certain areas? For example, Chrome's main selling point is that it's the fastest browser. But is that true?

Friend: Well duh. It's the fastest browser EVAR.

*I proceed to link him to this test and explain to him in detail how this and other tests show that Chrome is not, in fact, "the fastest browser EVAR" (that would be Opera), and that in some cases Firefox can be faster than Chrome*

Friend: They're lying. Firefox sucks.

So, my remarkable insight into human nature: People are idiots and refuse to acknowledge facts.

IOON: I'm done with my semester-long Web Design class before the end of the first quarter Although I'm unsure of whether I should start on the next class or just goof off for the rest of the semester.
Personally, I've tried both Firefox and Opera, and found that Chrome is the only browser that can handle the ridiculous number of tabs I tend to keep open without starting to leak memory and slow down horribly. Admittedly, though, I've not tried the latest version of FF.

I do have one major beef with FF, though, that means I probably won't ever go back to it even if they do fix the memory leaks. Alt+S opens the history menu instead of doing Submit Post.