
Karyana tries to rub Tsiln's back, and smiles at her reassuringly.

"Like I said, not too badly. It's for the best that she's here, instead of wherever else she'd have ended up."


Karyana smiles at her, and listens as well.

(Am Em)
Yes they're real. No they can't be
(Am C)
Yes they are, I've seen them walking
(F C G)
Out beyond the wooded garden
(E Am)
Through the townand through the valley.
(Am Em)
Yes they're real. No they can't be!
(Am C)
Yes they are - you are not hearing -
(F C G)
For I say I've seen them drinking
(E Am)
In the Tavern of the Moon.

(F C G Am)
Steel and mail and gilded crossbow,
(Em Am)
Feather of the ancient wind bird.
(F C G Am)
Wide as wonder, tall as starlight,
(Em Am)
Lords of earth and lords of fire,
(G Am)
Life the love that they desire,
(Em Am)
Lords of earth and lords of fire,
(G E Am)
Life the love that they desire.

Yes they're real. No they can't be.
Come with me and see what might be.
I'm afraid! O, you are childish,
Nothing kills that does not know ye!

Come ye now. No I fear Thee.
Did I say that I would lead thee?
We have walked too far this night out beyond the firelight!
Come y now. No I fear Thee!
Come with me, for I will take ye
Dancing now with all my brothers -
I am Real! And like the others!
Yes, they're real "No!" you told me,
"Yes" I said, you should believe me.
Now we have you wrapped in darkness,
Now we keep you, never leaving.
Trade your life for not believing!



Talina will hold the kiss until Nycca breaks it off.