Quote Originally Posted by Tectonic Robot View Post
Oh. Seizures. Well, that's... a good reason.

As to the ugliness: you don't like him because he's ugly? Some people need to be ugly man!

As to the Mary Suedom: I don't see it. Andrew has said he's a brute, and Mary Sue's usually don't come in brute favor. He's just a really, really strong jerk as it is.

To the hasn't done anything: Apparently that's what he's doing right now.

PS: That was really hard to read, Draconi. I had to skip it past the middle. :|
I think he means that LE is ugly from an aesthetic perspective. It's something that bugs me, too. The skull doesn't look like it was drawn by the same person who's been drawing the comic so far. The skill level feels like it's lower when I see that skull as opposed to HERO MODE anyone.

Suedom: I want to see how his role plays out before I say anything on that, but as the entire strip has been about LE (the reader just didn't know about it for a while), I'm inclined to say 'no'.