Quote Originally Posted by arguskos View Post
...the Pheehelm? It beats grues, after all, it probably beats jerkery in a similar fashion.
Not yet; humans haven't quite reached the level of sophistication where they crawl to me begging me to protect them from the jerks. Give 'em a few years.
Also, damn your signature. I actually had to go look under my bed because of it (didn't find anything, but I'm not discounting the possibility).
1. I'm wondering if I should name the person who gave me the idea to put that there.
2. Grues reflexively flee from light, remember. That's why they're gone by the time you enter a usually darkened area with a lantern.
3. I didn't specify under your bed.
(In case anyone's wondering what we're talking about)

Glass Mouse -- sounds like there's not much you could have done, anyways, if they were being that obtuse about it. (RWA Rule #4 applies here as well.) What hints did they think they were giving?
A combination of different survival mechanisms combined with the capacity for abstract thinking and long-term memory, I reckon.
See, exactly like I said.