So I'm working on engineering HW right now, and all the powers that be are delighting in tormenting me. Typos flying every which way in my calculator, failures in transcription from the given data to the page, failures in transcription from notes to work, pretty much a Murphy's Law FUBAR. Everything that could possibly go wrong is in the process of going wrong as you read this. Of course, it doesn't help that I have to answer 8 three-to-four part questions on angular motion, mass moment of inertia, and torque, none of which I completely understand, by midnight (It's 7:56 my time right now, and I'm only on part two of question three. After two hours of work. You can understand why I'm stressing out right now).

tl;dr: I need cute ponies. Lots of them. Please?

Oh, and to make this post tangentially pony-related have an adorable Fluttershy: