Junglers as X/X/9? They didn't change the amount of experience gained from camps. IIRC the two golems camp only gives you EXACTLY the amount of XP needed to get to level 2 with the full 5% extra experience. Anyone wanting to go Golems-->Blue will need to go X/X/16 - they NEED level 2 to get their second skill for the wraith camp. This means that small camp initial routes (read: wolves) or full routes (read: blue to golems) will be that much better, as they can afford to take less in utility, and more in Offense/Defense.

Also, what you get out of some points in offense has been nerfed. Attack speed got a minor buff, as did CDR and crit chance. However, there's no more early flat ArPen, which hurts a LOT, as that means having to take more of it on runes instead of say AD or AS. The 10% ArP will be far, far better lategame, but there that mastery will be apparent for everyone, not in that opening clear that matters most.

Worst of all, no more old Havoc for a free 4% boost for a single mastery point. That 4% meant a LOT... I remember it being the difference between insta-gibbing blue wraith and having to tank an additional three or four hits from it (as well as not getting to the small wraiths sooner) as it healed after your CC wore off, on Xin Zhao.

Junglers generally seem to have been nerfed in their initial clears. Do not like.