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Thread: [BitP:R] Hueco Mundo 3

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [BitP:R] Hueco Mundo 3

    Cecilia looks at them wide-eyed. "M-m-madness Aura? Ooooh I just have to have you now." She leans in close to Kyoki, tilting the girl's chin upward, looking her in the eye. "Do you enjoy the way they run and scream? Their terror? I think it's spectacular. What do they see? Their deaths? Themselves murdering their loved ones? Or is it something amazing, so blissfully wonderful that they just lose themselves in it?" Her lips brush Kyoki's ear as she speaks, and her voice is filled with some sort of emotion. God knows what it is. "It makes me shudder just thinking about it..." She draws back, a small gasp exiting her mouth as she does so, and shivers in delight. Then she smiles happily at Kyoki, giving her a thumbs up.

    "But with war I can finally do it again! It's been ages though..." She purses her lips, thinking. "Poor 'Chero hasn't killed in forever. He gets lonely sometimes." She looks left then, right, and leans in close to Kyoki, stage whispering. "I think he might be going a bit craaazeeee in there." She nods seriously. "Don't tell anyone, alright?"

    She perks up again, and grins. "Waitaminute, I just remembered! Kingers said I could have as many fraccion as I wanted! So congratulations new girl, you're now a fraccion! All that's left is to introduce you to Cai, and he's always so damn busy nowadays that that's pretty much impossible~ So I guess we'll go do... um... Espada and Fraccion things. Like... drink cups of tea. And insult the people who walk by. And throw things at any passerby. You know, important Arrancar business."

    Oddities Collected: 2.
    Passerby Tea Splattered: 0
    People Insulted: 0
    Wars Started: 4
    Wars Won: 276 (Including Life)

    This counter of Cecilia's depressed her. She wanted 277 wars won dammit. Admittedly the two week "War of the Sand Devils" she had against the grains of sand in Hueco Mundo barely counted as numbers 242 to 276 but still. It was the principle of the thing.
    Last edited by Terry576; 2011-11-12 at 06:19 AM.
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