[Hermitage of Dalachrech - Elezibethele]

"Very fine work indeed."

Mine groans. Oh gods. Not a leash. At least there isn't a choker attached to it or anything. Why the collar is so ornamented, Mine has no clue. He is sure of one thing, though: Elezibethele doesn't plan on leaving the temple for some time if she's keeping him tethered to her on the end of a chain.

"Is it safe to say that most of my duties shall be directly related to yourself, Mistress?"

[Hermitage of Dalachrech - Azurelle]

The slaves do comply with Azurelle's commands (against their better judgement, might I add). Whatever horrors Azurelle is about to inflict upon them would only be intensified by their resistance. The triplet's were better off not taking action against Azurelle, so long as they concurrently fed her no more of her beloved nectar, fear.

Even so, they cannot help but tense up. Waiting for the agony to come... The apprehension is torture enough.