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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Aug 2011

    Default Re: [MLP:Fim] Bridle Shores Bar/Downtown thread 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post
    While she was singing, the two magicians began to work. It wasn't entirely clear where Silk Scarf was casting from, but somehow or another, she was casting. But the gold light and the dazzling white of Top Hat's magic flirted up against one another, boosting the horrible mish-mash of spells. For one moment, a brief figure like a sideways figure eight hung in the air, then vanished.

    "And, fillies and gentlecolts, there's nothing up my collar..."

    And as his cape flared out dramatically, he plunged his face into his hat...And came up with something, tied around with a ribbon so he could hold it.

    It was a large stack of sheet music. Or, to be more exact, it was the sheet music she had lost a minute ago when the carts broke.

    "Tell me, miss, but is this your music?"

    He said it like what it was: the end of a magic trick, the natural relative in tone to a very bombastic 'is this your card.' He deposited it, and even before confirming it with her, they began to smile broadly and take their bows.


    The two of them reared and flung their forehooves wide, happily proclaiming their success. After a
    "Thank you" Quaver said, her head still bowed towards the ground.

    She was quiet for a moment more before she rose from her resting place. She gave a shake of her mane before opening her violet eyes, which were unnaturally clear.

    "Yes, Thank you both for that." She said again, more clearly, as she hopped down the embankment of the ditch to her cart. Rummaging around for a moment, wincing only slightly at the sound of something broken rattling in the base of it, she extracted a satchel bag with her teeth which she slung around her neck.

    "I'll deal with the rest of this mess in a moment. First though, I do believe I owe the lady of this establishment some bits for a pie, not to mention at least one smoothie although I'm suddenly inclined to buy two more. Would you care to join me?"