Mortren translates Audric's request with even more reluctance than before. Arheilt nods and begins speaking in rapid-fire Dwarven. "Bad things happened in the city. Arheilt was caught in the crossfire, I think. Nowhere to run, no useful skills, no weapon. He had a book, and-" he breaks off into Dwarven again. "Apparently enough knowledge of this stuff to summon a demon. It was covered in..." He barks something at Arheilt, who slows down his rapid speech so that you can actually hear the pauses between the words. "Hair? I think? Anyways. He summoned this demon, and promises... you idiot.... promises anything, if it would protect him. And... what? It's been taking everything apparently. Demons do that sort of thing when you offer anything, it seems. His loved ones. His wealth. His home. His luck. His clan has abandoned him. Arheilt... he thinks his soul is next. If he hasn't lost that one already as well."

Felix whistles. "Harsh. Why didn't you tell that?"

"Fair. Mine honor-name, idiot...."