Quote Originally Posted by Eruantion View Post
That's my favorite song from the first movies

I don't quite get the hate on the prequels. They weren't that great yeah, but they were still good in their own right. Also, I was about eleven when Episode III came out.. but still.
1) When you have a prequel, the first thing you need to do is keep the feel the same as the original movies. Lucas changed this up (badly) with things like Jar-jar, comedy relief droids, and Midichlorians.

2) Terrible dialogue. This was also true in the original series, but when people see something they don't like they latch on to ALL negative points.

3) Villians die off like flies. There's a new one every movie, whereas it might have worked better if Darth Maul had been the main enemy for Qui-gon, Anakin and Obi-Wan throughout the three movies until Anakin's fall.

4) The story of Anakin. He starts off as what looks like an eight year old falling in love with someone over a decade older than him. He falls in moments from 'He must live!' to 'DIE YOUNGLINGS'

And others too numerous for me to care about, let alone mention

I still disagree but i see many of the arguments. And agree with some of them.