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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXV: Who is your Summoner, and what does he do?

    True, Improved Recall is actually very nice. The rest sounds good, but keep in mind what I said about only going 2/3 in the defense CDR; even with Frozen Heart and Q, it is JUST below 40%, not over.

    And huh, I would've at least figured old Vlad vs old Ryze would go to Vlad. Then again, I think the Ryze rework came before the dawning of hextech on Vlad, and I recall the prior Vlad builds really weren't "doing" anything, at least nothing that made Vlad become so infamous at his job (even with the extremely low Q CD.) Then again, old Ryze bursted like a boss.

    EDIT: Rumble has always hurt. His ratios are amazing. If anything, any problem he has is that he needs more tankiness to make the most of it.

    Also, I've never heard of Haunting Guise on Ryze. Interesting. That, and I tend to get Merc's on him. Then again, a very well thought out guide I'm considering suggests using Spell Pen blues as well as Reds, so... that could be that. And after that, you only really need percentage when you can get it, it seems. So yeah, 9 in utility really does sound better.
    Last edited by Daverin; 2011-11-16 at 11:52 PM.
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