Quote Originally Posted by Kayne650 View Post
Cashin stops dead when he mentions Talon, and fear clouds her eyes for a second. But was she scared of Talon, of him, or of what either was going to do to her? But then her jaw set, her eyes focused, and she started moving towards Sereg again, stopping when she was within arms reach, kneeling before him.

"I learned to survive, my lord. She taught neither of us anything but how to keep ourselves alive against all odds, and we already knew how to do that. Any Hollow can do that." Her tone was at once both submissive and combative. What was she getting at?
With a single swift motion Sereg raises his arm in a blur, launching a caja negacion into Cashin's exposed hollow hole before slinging his blade through the hole of her sister to embed into the ground behind her, pinning her in place as he calmly moves to her defenseless body. "Now child, you are alone." Behind his form Cashin can just barely be seen dissolving into nothingness. "And from henceforth on, your sister is gone. But you, you I have questions for."

Throughout the palace a sickening crunch can be heard, coming from none other than Sereg's tower. The sound of bones being broken as Sereg takes out his frustration at the past events on the young arrancar. Eventually the screams stop, Kaitlin having passed out from blood loss and shock after explaining her part in the forthcoming plans along with where Talon's lair could be.

A few hours later, Sereg is still wiping the blood from his face, the leftovers on his clothing long since dried. Kaitlin had been moved from the palacio, to be locked with the gladiators deep withing the earth under the seventh district. "Now, Vicente. It's your move."