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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Koprulu Sector

    Default Re: [MLP: FiM] Bridle Shores High: The Haystack Club in Character Thread

    Silvermane dashed through the hallway, trying to avoid the other ponies as much as possible. Normally she would be happy to be headed to Anasi's class, as it was her favorite (even if she did sometimes get distracted by the runabout critters), but today she was late for some unavoidable reason. She skidded to a halt in front of the classroom, then quietly crept through the door.

    "Um, hello professor," she said demurely. "I'm sorry I'm late."


    Heartflight crept through the door to Smoothie's magic class. Normally she was on time, but today something had gone wrong for the transgendered filly, causing her to be late. Not wanting to interrupt Smoothie, she quietly walked through the door and took a seat.
    Last edited by Hawkflight; 2011-11-19 at 07:26 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate
    Psychology has nothing to say on the courtship of dragons, but science will surely catch up in time.
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