"What ever you want Cecilia-sama!<3" Kyoki meanwhile is still having a minature freakout from her close quaters encounter with Cecilia. It's not until Ragunaroku gives her a wet willie that she snaps out of it and and only temporarily. As they continue to get tea she looks into herself as she says, "It did fell amazing you know, when they gave into madness. All emotions can be supressed anger, joy, excitement, hatred, lonelyness. Madness however is different. Where as everyone has those emotions in them madness isn't something that is stored. It's spontaneous and comes from nowhere. That sudden urge to strangle your wife when she cheats on you? Yes a lot of it is hatred and anger, however that subtle undertone, that one that causes you to break your human morales and commit the ultimate sin. That little spark that causes daredevils to risk their lives for a cheap thrill. The thing that causes people to fear most criminals. Madness is in itself chaotic. That is why it is so unexpected, spontaneous. It I don't know what they see, I only know that it drives them mad." She says all of this with a flat tone, while Ragunaroku seems to be trembling with excitement.