Quote Originally Posted by Draken View Post
Infante Raom, Royal Envoy to the septima espada...

Can be found sleeping atop the terrace of a tower in Distrito Siete.
Talon frowns in disgust at the laziness of this envoy. But that could wait. She motions to cough, but is interrupted by... something. A tingling in the back of her mind. Turning to face the palacio siete itself, she bares a wide-toothed grin.

It looks like the plan will be accelerated somewhat.

Getting back to business, she makes a raucous cough, trying to rouse the infante from his slumber, if it is so.

[The Void]

((Taking control of Cashin, on account of being more or less the conductor of this plot, and Kayne being unable.))

In the infinite crushing space of the caja negacion...

A void between all worlds, and yet none of them. A prison of the soul.

Cashin looks around at the emptiness surrounding her prison of impenetrable construction. At first, she may have fought in vain against the crushing oblivion, but eventually sorrow struck her much like any other arrancar sentenced to this punishment.
Rise, child.
Then, something speaks to her. Something incomprehensible, and yet all too clear. It went beyond words. It reverberated through her entire being. She rose from her knees.
You will escape this prison.
Clenching her head, she does not fight the overwhelming feeling growing in her head. Or rather, feelings. Of rage, sorrow, joy, all emotions capable by the human mind, and some even beyond.

All at once. It was torture, and yet euphoric.
You will begin your mission.
She tries to cry out, and yet her scream is muffled.

Blood drips from her head as her fingers, now claws covered in a curious membrane, expand in muscle and biology mutant to her own.

She was no longer Cashin. A monstrous cry cracks the barrier of energy, attempting to reap the ethereal prison.

...In time, it would break. But time it would take.