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Thread: I thought I'd share this...

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    tongue Re: I thought I'd share this...

    Quote Originally Posted by Unisus View Post
    Actually i'm a lot around on the internet, but in fact this was the first time i saw this stated without a spoiler warning.

    And just the fact, that there are people out there who care less than nothing about if they ruin something for others doesn't make it cool to act the same way. So i agree: Not cool.

    By the way - does one have to spend much time on the internet to be allowed to read this forum?
    Th main problem with "Snape kills Dumbledore" is that while it's probably the most relevant spoiler meme for our generation, the fact that it's modern also causes problems (i.e. people who are interested in reading/seeing Harry Potter, but spend enough time online to get hit by that major spoiler).

    That said, I've read the Harry Potter series a number of times, and it's really not that much of a spoiler. You can tell from the beginning of that book that Dumbledore is going to die, and Rowling almost explicitly states it with the foreshadowing scene involving Snape and Draco's mom in the first few chapters. The series is still very good with that foreknowledge.

    And, for the record, I've also found that it's a very common meme when people on the internet are talking about spoilers.

    edit: oh, and Notch rules!
    Last edited by lothofkalroth; 2011-11-21 at 04:49 PM. Reason: on-topic talk

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