"Depends on who you are looking at. Genoveva might launch a preemptive attack that might look like a hit-and-run just to see how well we react to it, and there stands to reason she might commit everything to penetrate if we show enough weakness for her to seize the moment. A hit-and-run that only tests our defensive abilities would be a waste of opportunity, and will put us on our guard for a long time coming."

"And given some reports that I have on my desk and the guided tour I had been given. She might also use the chaos to seek out something my Palacio stands directly on top of. Genoveva's predecessor. What would she use it for, I have no exact need to know. The only thing that matters is that she does not get it, if that is her true objective."

Cuerva shrugs, her mind ticking.

"The Ghost King might also allow the Espada to dally around in their own games and see how they would react when the enemy is at the gates. No doubt he holds all the home ground advantage cards, and would be in a good position to turn back the assault himself. This will give him a chance to mete out some punishments in the aftermath. A very legitimate reason and time to refresh the ranks of Espada and instill another round of disciplinary fear to the freshly promoted, that they can play around in their little games all they want, but the position and responsibilities of the Espada hold paramount when things that matter come to a fore."

"But my intel is very spotty as well. I know he has a son in the Mortal world. How many others are aware of that? How close is the Ghost King's bond with that living thing? Would Genoveva try something on the boy or anyone else close to our King? These are questions I have no answers yet. When it comes to war, and when it comes to crafty people, do not expect them to come to you face to face just like that without some shady backup plan."

Cuerva shrugs as she takes a seat at her desk and motions Rouga to take a seat opposite her.

"All I have is a series of potential attack points and their potential implications. I might personally scout out Genoveva's base and see if we could lay traps to soften the army before they arrive. Striking them immediately would be a quick victory, but does little to send a message."