Wedding - Sakura's Room

"What did make you want to get married, anyway? Fey aren't exactly known for ceremonies like this," Vorla says. Of course, there's not a hint of disapproval in her voice. She certainly enjoys the thought of such a momentous occasion.

Wedding - Sarget

"So they're raising her here, then?" Erik asks, looking around at Watchtower's members and pondering. "I can't even imagine it."

Wedding - Mia

"I'm Kel. His brother." Kel leans closer, but doesn't quite invade Mia's personal space. In fact, his gaze goes to MDM. "Say, did you build that? You must be pretty smart."

Wedding - Dominic

"I'm Erik's father. You can call me Omott." Grampa Frescot offers a hand for shaking.

Wedding - Three Men in a Hallway

"Yes, I'm freaking nervous," Adir says, like it should be obvious. He fiddles with his bowtie some more. "Wouldn't you be?"

Time Tower

Legion is startled and disoriented by the sensation. She quickly steps backwards, stumbling back into the hallway and hopefully back into the normal flow of time. The Lady composes herself and looks at Reinholdt.

"Um, might wanna hold off a second." She says, stepping closer to the room again. Experiment time!

She'll extend her hand into the field, namely the one wearing the watch, and see how it reacts. She's mostly trying to find if the field speeds up the aging process too. That would explain the skeleton, and it would be something of a hazard if they remain in the room too long. Or worse, if they're trapped there.

"If you're wrong, what happens? Does it cut off our legs?"