Quote Originally Posted by Daverin View Post
I've never played, so I am more curious than anything.

By the way, any champs who can definitely find a role with this jungle change? I know Stonewall and, according to him, the EU now like Blitzcrank already as a jungle start roamer. Will this give him the ability to stay in jungle if he does not feel like ganking? Because I really want a place for Blitz, he's just too much fun with all that he can do.
Yes, a lot of junglers who previously had trouble with health retention are likely to become more viable. Speed will still go to the Udyrs and Shyvanas of the jungle, though.

Quote Originally Posted by toasty View Post
inb4 Jungle Janna, Blitz, Twitch, Eve, and Ali all become OP.

Sivir rework looks good. Nerf to her late game that was pretty much the only reason people play her and a buff to her early game mean she's actually possibly viable in standard comps. I'm still mad that they are changing her, because I like quirky champions that require specific comps, but whatever. Riot will be riot.

Minion nerfs are good. Red buff nerfs are good becasue its an indirect buff to AD carries. Its already getting to the point that if your tankydps is somewhat fed and doesnt naturally build Mallet, its better just to give the buff to him, even late game.

Junglerework looks nice. Dunno what it will mean, but it looks nice.
I'm actually not a fan of the minion changes. IMO they remove gameplay by making minion aggro management less important. Sivir...we'll have to wait for the patch, but her kit seems really weak now, except for her ult. She can be balanced with good base stats, but I don't think she'll be as fun to play.