Ch 10 All glory to the shrooms!

Okay team we're going to grind for Misty. Now I'll probably use Biollante, and Endo, but I'll train all of you.

Okay Endo we're done.
I'll be happy to help Biollante

I don't need to focus, to fight for pacifism

I'll teach Misty pacifism. Even if I'm not used.

Misty will fall to a bullet from the sky!

Looks like its time. You know back in my day we didn't get to evolve. You kids and your evolutions, well now I get to evolve what do you think about that?

Oh great you're evolving, I swear to Arceus if you complain more, I will order you to shut up.

Crazy kids get off my lawn before I call the coppers!
Arbok the Territorial pokemon, Wants all the crazy kids to get off it's lawn. Seems to be under the delusion that there is a police force.

Yeah those crazy kids, off my lawn or I'll kill them!

Mommy will you play in the leaves with me!
How about we play in the grass.

Okay Biollante, you're ready for Misty, just let me train Zephyr

I have gained power under you Melinda, I shall use my power only in just causes.
The eradication of Pidgey?

The most useless attack ever.

Not touching.

Maybe if she used her real team, but she has to use her league approved team.

I don't swing that way!

Oh... oh!


My name is Melinda, and I challenge you to a two on two battle.

I prefer a balanced assortment.

Go Biollante!
Misty Go Staryu

And she sent out a shiny star pokemon, the core glowed brilliantly at first, but when it noticed it had a foe, it started flickering rapidly Biollante Razor leaf.

Biollante shook it's back and leaves fell from it's bulb. The leaves started floating under their own power and were needle sharp cutting the Staryu all over. It didn't seem bothered by the leaves until they were cutting it's core, it fell apart instantly when that happened.
Not bad, not bad. But do you know what comes next? A pokemon so powerful, elite trainers ready to combat the league use it. That's right Starmie, how are you going to fight in OU tier with two NFE tier

I'll fight for my Mommy!

Starmie swift
Biollante razor leaf!

Starmie sent out rays of sharp star ray beams while managing to dodge the leaves.
Starmie swift!
Biollante razor leaf!

We'll never give up. You'll fall to our attacks. Starmie take this Super potion
Biollante take this super potion

Starmie swift!
Biollante razor leaf!

Starmie swift!
Biollante finish this, razor leaf.

We win.
I'm happy to help Mommy!

*sigh* Yes I get it, I'm so hot even chicks want me, doesn't mean I swing that way.

Thank you!

I don't have any. By the way Endo I'm sorry that I didn't use you in battle. Here's some candy to make it up to you.
Thank you Melinda!
No wait! Don't do it!

Wait what's the problem?
I feel funny!

AHHHHHH!!!! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!!!!!! *sob* OW .
Mr.Shroom! *sob* why would you betray me!
You still have to listen to me right?
Yes...this...body...must...follow...your...command s...
So you killed Endo?
Why the agony?
Oh huh. Well let's go home, or the pokemon center as the case may be.
You're a *****
Parasect the Shroom pokemon. The Paras personality has been dominated by the mushrooms on it's back. It lives its life in agony.

Huh, sucks to be them.

That's great.

It's the only exit out of town!

Well the giant R on your chest really gave it away.

Mine now.

Who are you?
I'm Fluffles my dear. I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten in three weeks.
Well uh. If you come with me you can get all the food you can eat.
Well I was kinda hoping for a nugget to sell for food.
Well you can't always get what you want. Biollante capture.

zzzz I'm making you all nervous, and you'll worship me so I won't make it worse.
Meowth the cat pokemon. Meowth's act cute trying to get items by saying they need to sell it for food. Dreams it is worshiped.

Well duh it's not a forest.
You kids and your pokemon habitats must make logical sense crap. Back when I was a kid we lived in a lake of fire and we like it.

No I'm not you crazy kid, now get off my lawn before I call the coppers!

As long as you get off my lawn!

Don't tell me what to do!

Did you get that from Oak?
No I brought it. Now Squirtle. You better be worth the money I spent, or we'll find out what turtle soup tastes like!

Don't worry Squirtle. I'll let you keep most of your limbs

He's talking about eating his Squirtle. You can deal with me listening.

Then don't fight.


Wait am I the master of the sky, or is that the master of the sky, or was it that fire bird thingy that made a sea of flames.

No comment.

Okay is Gary just telling everyone I'm gay slash bi. Because that is the only reasonable conclusion.

Why does everyone want to flirt with me?

And I entered Vermillion city.

Okay Pcebro, Grumbles, and Endo can learn dig, should I save it, or use it.

On route 11 I can catch a Drowzee. And in Diglett cave I can catch a Diglett or Dugtrio. Names and personalities can be suggested.

Should I keep Fluffles in the box?