Quote Originally Posted by ShadowySilence View Post
That is one awesome map!

How did you get that jagged style on the lines?

Well everything's made from scratch, the map I drew by hand, but that can be guessed by some of the sloppiness. The faded background was made separately in Photoshop CS5, using difference clouds, emboss, changing the hues and saturation until I got the nice background color I wanted, afterwards I used the lasso tool to cut away from chunks and pieces at the sides, to make it uneven and stuff. After that I used the Burn tool around the edges to make it look withering in some parts. After that after scanning my hand doodled map, I fixed it up a bit in Photoshop, adding the name and stuff. Thresholded it, Magic wand'd only the black, then copy and pasted....and this answers more than question xD..alas

Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak View Post
I like it.
I like it a lot.
Thanks, tons