[Dark Cave]

That would be a pretty neat thing to find! It might even happen now that Rick is running in circles and screaming whilst stabbing at MalevoBats. Though given that he's in the wrong room...

The young Hero leads with a LIFE-FORCE BEAM from his sword! The crescent of flame wooshes through the air and hits the bat, setting the monster on fire!

"Yeah! I did it!"



The bat is still flying around perfectly fine. Except now it's on fire, too.

It takes a bit of fancy foot-work, but Rick ducks under the first swooping bat and dispatches it with a (non elementally enhanced) slash of his sword! With a flash of light and a poof of smoke the monster vanishes!

"Rawr nar, fighting and eating time!" Myrrh trills before hurling himself headlong at a second bat, crushing the ugly thing's face with a well-aimed HEADBUTT! As the monster POOF!s a GREEN GEM falls to the ground!

The remaining MalevoBat rams Rick from behind.

Setting him alight.


The Hero drops to the floor and begins rolling around comically, losing one HEART in the process. Myrrh HEADBUTTs final bat, causing its final destruction! Take that bat!

"Naaar! We have made much of the winning! Rick! We must find more adventures!"

"Uuughh..." the Hero groans.

Heart: {]♥♥x[}
Magic: {]♦♦x[}