Quote Originally Posted by tonberrian View Post
*Fanboyish glee*

Can you tell us anything more about 2.5? The White Wolf forums always get all the spoilers, can you release one here?
You could just read the White Wolf forums.

But, nah, I don't think anything of real importance has been released about 2.5, beyond what it will contain.

The last big news I heard was that the martial arts system was getting a complete overhaul, to be debuted in Scroll of the Monk 2: Monk Harder.

Quote Originally Posted by Xefas
Either that, or we could sit around and moan and complain to no actual benefit. That's actually a perfectly valid course of action. One that I can get behind (I'm not being sarcastic, I promise). Either way - I don't really care about Lunars. I have no stock one way or the other whether they suck, but I think this is more interesting. And while Exalted has a rich history of choosing the suck path over the interesting one, this is my two cents anyway.
I would far prefer to just say that the breaking of the castes never happened, Wyld Taint is not actually a thing, and that Chimerism is a natural path of evolution for Lunar Exalted, albeit usually not a desirable one.