

You gain a small amount of grit, and the ability to perform a single 1st-level deed from the gunslinger class feature of the same name. At the start of the day, you gain 1 grit point, though throughout the day you can gain grit points up to a maximum of your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). You can regain grit using the rules for the grit gunslinger class feature. You can spend this grit to perform the 1st-level deed you chose and any other deed you gain through feats or magic items.
Each alternate class feature [from an archtype] replaces a specific class feature from its parent class. For example, the elemental fist class feature of the monk of the four winds replaces the stunning fist class feature of the monk.
Since the Archtype's deeds replace the Gunslinger's class feature, you can't take a deed from an archtype(at that point, it's not longer the Gunslinger's class feature, it's the Mysterious Stranger/Musket Master/Gun Tank's class feature instead).