A bit delayed but . . . I don't think I've ever really hated Greg as much as I do now. I mean, he has so many moments to choose from as far as hate goes, but this is a whole new level.

But what truly bothers me is that everyone else just went with it. They're all like "This is super romantic, we better kiss like that tool screeched."

Maybe they'll not let it bother them until after the kiss. (Fat chance.) But seriously, between Dominic, Luna, and Jayden . . . Someone needs to yell at Greg. Just be all "What the **** is your problem?!"

I mean damn. I'm pretty sure no one else in the main caste actually gives a **** about whatever the hell it is Mike, I mean Greg, thinks is "metal".


I am quite fond of my brother, but if I was to get married and he did what Greg did? I'd punch him in the mouth. Twice.