Quote Originally Posted by Newman View Post
Well you can't have your cake and eat it. Either you're anonymous, friendless and blend into genericness in such a way that, were people to start hating you, you could simply come back with another name and no-one would notice (automatically losing touch with everyone and having to start every relationship from scratch), or you develop a well-known personality that you will carry like a flagship, allowing people to recognize you regardless of handle. Some people have such an irrepressible personality that they have no choice in the matter. People who have interacted with them for a sufficient time will recognize them no matter what disguise they try to don. These people must as careful about their Internet behavior and statements as they would be in Real Life, much more so even. since there is no such thing as privacy, and your words are instantaneously recordable and infintely reproductible to a universal audience regardless of your will: you have no legal power over them, unlike, say, what happens on a private discussion with your friends.

So, if you're going to do things that might affect people's opinion of you, especially if there is the faintest trail that would allow one to trace you to your real-life persona, be-ware. Be very very wary.
*A unicorn Guardpony in full regalia walks in*


*Throws a pie at Newman*