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Thread: Worst Prerequisites

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Hiding and fleeing.

    Default Worst Prerequisites

    Another thread for good-natured jokes toward WotC, this time on the topic of prerequisites.

    Whether they're far too high, nonexistent or just plain weird, mention 'em here!

    Some examples of what I mean, from the Most Useless Feat thread: You can take Spell Focus and certain Metamagic feats even if you have no means of casting anything. Skill Focus doesn't require ranks in a skill, so you can take in skills which are trained only, or, most oddly, Speak Language (for which you never make a check anyway).

    Other examples: You can, for 50gp, own a magic item which gives off a Strong aura of Transmutation. Yes, Universal Solvent requires caster level 20 (and the Disintegrate spell). Sovreign Glue isn't much better, at the same caster level for little more than 1000gp.

    Feats, items, classes, whatever. If it's 3.5 and has to do with prereqs, have a ball!

    Edit: Thread title may not be the best for the topic, if you have a better one, please suggest it. Apologies if there's a general topic for this kind of thing, but I couldn't find one on the first page and couldn't remember having seen one (for such a thing, if opened up to general weirdness, would surely be ongoing). If there is, this can be closed or forgotten and I'll just make a post there.
    Last edited by ScionoftheVoid; 2011-12-25 at 08:53 PM.