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    Troll in the Playground
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    Somewhere lost in dream.

    Default Re: Warhammer 40K Tabletop XIV: "Pray for 6's!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Razgriez View Post
    Did, but since my brother already plays both versions of Eldar, I've had my taste of haughty Space Elves. Besides, why would I ever want to play as those pansies...OHSWEETHOLYEMPEROR HALF MY MARINES JUST GOT WIPED OFF THE MAP BY A BARRAGE OF POISONED WEAPONS/48+ SHURIKEN WEAPONS!!!! And There went my commander, who just had a Ship dropped on his head by Vect/Run through with a Wailing doom.
    In which case, have you considered Necrons? They've got a lot of fun toys and are fairly shooty like the Tau.

    Plus there's the wild guessing that the Tau and Necrons are somehow related.
    Last edited by Tome; 2011-12-29 at 05:56 PM.
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