[Hell - City of Demons]

Clarissa faints as Dave begins to speak. That meant that he was okay. He was alright.

Her body goes limp. Gravity pulls her eyelid down. She slumps over, as unconscious as is demonly possible.

The structure begins to quake, shaken at its very foundations by the percussion and force of the explosives being deployed at the hospital's front entrance.

With this new power flowing through his body, Dave might possibly be able to command the fleshy walls to part for him to cross through to the other side.

In other words, Clarissa's NPCs are now Dave's NPCs (and are thus your's to gm). The burly demons are strong. The spidery ones can infect. The worm-creatures can dogfight. The skeletons are the souls of elite warriors imprisoned in human form. There are multiple active tendrils as well.

Better yet, Dave can design his own warriors and send them through Clarissa's equivalent of a production line.