Just now I was reading "Rain", and I think I've been hanging out with my webcomic-reading friend too much lately because I started shipping in my head, which isn't something I usually do.
Anyway, it led me start wondering what it would be like if two transsexuals (without surgery) got into a heterosexual relationship and moved on to a sexual relationship (you know, because many couples eventually want children). And then I had this big mental shudder because it felt really wrong. I mean, the girl with guy parts and the guy with girl parts and whatnot. Like, how weird must it feel to try to have sex using a penis when you're a girl? (And vice versa.)
(And my mental shudder was twice as big as usual when faced with human sexuality, so I think this was more than just my usual personal aversion to sex. Maybe this is that human "empathy" stuff?)
So I'm spending New Year's Eve (even though New Year's is usually in September) home alone listening to music, reading "Rain", and drinking a mix of vodka and orange soda (which is pretty interesting) just because both were there. It's pretty chill.