Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

"Wow...its like there's outside forces that just want us to suck at this for some reason..."
Gear furrowed her brow and shook a hoof towards the heavens. "Alright...last throw, whoever gets it closest to the center wins the theoretical potluck. You, may go first."
"As you wish, millady," Sliverpine replied, again suppressing a smirk. He took his spider, and stared at the soft toy for a moment. Deciding to chance it, he took a quick and dirty guess and threw it on instinct. Much to his surprise it landed quite close to the centre of the web, but not quite the place where you could have won prizes and such.

"Heh, got lucky there," he said sheepishly. "Your turn." He waved a hoof vaguely at the target.

Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post
After the pair delivered the basket of apples to its rightful destination, Fox turned to Icy with a pleasant smile. "Well my dear Princess, what is that thou wishes to partake in?"
"Why don't we take a nice walk around first? Maybe we could meet up with your other friends," Icy suggested.