Tobio looks over to Ren with a confused look. That was a big gamble that he took there, unfortunately it looks like they were just grabbed by the balls. But, mabye... Looking towards Moroe he can feel like she is the one person who can blow this case wide open givin how much she has interacted with Astraphobia before. Walking over to Moroe he whispers to her discreetly. Moroe-sempai, go with him to see what he wants to talk about. I will follow you two from a distance. If you do nothing then we can't do anything else hear as you heard. That means that Rin, if he is Astraphobia, will get away again. I hate to say this Moroe-sempai, but at this point you are the greatest piece of evidence that we have and the best bait. I'm sorry that I had to say it like sempai, but I swear to you on my honor that nothing bad will happen to you. If anything goes awry I will protect you." Now he could only see what her response is.