This game does actually manage to impress me.

From the previews I had assumed that I wouldn't like Aveline and Varik at all and leave them in a dark corner right after meeting them, like Anomen, Candarous, or Wynn. But now I actually like them a lot. I tried making a full girls team, but once I replaced the rogue with Isabella, Avelines catchphrase became "shut up". And she isn't nice to me either. Varik has a campy outfit, but otherwise he's all right.

Meeting the Arishok the first time was great. It was like entering a place that is both a dark bar and a gym.
I already knew that there was something with a mirror and I assume it's about THAT mirror, but getting Merrill from the Dalish was certainly creepy. I usually played dalish in DA, and suddenly everyone thinks she's gone crazy, she can't really say anything to counter that, and she's playing with blood magic and demons. Creepy.

Just now, I was going to the sister who wanted someone capable to escort someone out of the city and "Oh crap! There's a sarebas standing right next to me!"