Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
Purely out of curiosity, how do you feel about pillowbiter and fudgepacker?
Never heard 'pillowbiter' before. Not a big fan of 'fudgepacker', mostly because it's, well, kinda gross.
(I will not have 'fudge' anywhere near my privates thank you very much. )
But it doesn't make me uncomfortable the way that three-letter-one-that-can-be-extended-to-rhyme-with-'maggot' does.

I dunno. I just really like 'arsebandit' (or the Americanized term, 'asspirate') as a word. It just sounds so... poetic.
Hur hur hur, '****' Turpin, hur hur hur.
I bet if people called me that more often, being gay (well, bi) would be about a thousand times more awesome (not that it needs the help ).

Also, it reminds me of this sketch every time I hear it, which is always a good thing.