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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: [3.5] *sigh* Paladin vs Wizard. He started it

    For verisimilitude, you could chain a bunch of Nystul's Magic Auras onto some of your followers, so they appear to have the same magical bonuses the Paladin does. However, this isn't the most effective use of your gold, I'm mentioning this for the sake of thoroughness.

    Greater Arcane Sight addresses this.

    Even if you ban infinite wish/gate loops and candles of invocation the Paladin is still in trouble- he can be unambiguously be identified as the one guy with Mind Blank (unless you really want to pay for multiple castings of that, it can't be chained without an epic caster or an incantatrix with an item of spellcraft) running, unless you want him to be vulnerable to normal divinations in which case he's dead already- the hole will be blatantly obvious with detect thoughts, helm of telepathy, or similar even if he's using Nystul's Magic Aura to spoof Arcane Sight on his minions.

    Celerity, time stop, all of the clouds/Maw of Chaos +sufficient timestops, Dimensional Lock, forcecageX2, one wish to negate wishes, done.

    ...What happens if you cast Maw of Chaos and then Dimensional Lock the area? Either the two spells don't affect each other or Dimensional Lock ends maw of chaos's effect?
    Last edited by Icewraith; 2012-01-06 at 07:05 PM.