Ones that came up this weekend:
2129 I will not point out that between the female PC's and the established NPCs, we now have the Tsundere, Ms Popular, and Bad Girl with daddy issues. All I need is affectionate staff girl and a bubbly genius and I'm in a harem series.
2130 I will not point out the likelihood of finding the last two in the main plot of helping the nature lovers "heal" the demon scared lands using some crazy magical something or the other.
2131 Even though it IS the legal punishment for murder where we found her, I am not allowed to sell the Bad Girl Bandit Princess into slavery, nor keep her as my own slave. After all I have the rest of the party to think of.
2132 I am not allowed to seduce the Bad Girl to the side of good just to turn the campaign into a harem series.
2133 After seducing the Bad Girl to the forces of good I am not allowed to refer to her as "Vagette" or "Yomchina". Even though she was a bandit.