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Thread: OOTS #827 - The Discussion Thread

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Feb 2007

    Default Re: OOTS #827 - The Discussion Thread

    Left out of my post before - Thanh, I liked you a lot. You will be missed.

    I'm happy to see Niu made it out. Thanh wont be forgotten.

    And Redcloak, truly impressive. I love the three teams The Giant has created and the dynamics in them. The OotS goes without saying.

    The new Linear Guild - hasn't done much yet, but I love the potential.

    And Team Evil, how it has grown. Xykon, MitD, Tsukiko and Redcloak. I always enjoy seeing them, and it really looks like Redcloak is on the up and up.

    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You know who it's not that different for? The goblins who end up dead to further Redcloak's goals. I bet they accept with equanimity the apologies he now delivers to their corpses.
    I don't think I said that.

    Although they probably would, from what we have seen the them so far.

    And that wasn't the comment. It was "Redcloak hasn't changed much if he is still willing to sacrifice his kind". Which was never the change.

    But by that thinking every general ever who has committed troops knowing the chances of some, maybe even all, dying but who only does so when necessary and while being affected by the sacrifice is no different from a general wastefully throwing away lives without a care in the world.

    Redcloak used to be the latter. Now he is the former.

    Quote Originally Posted by luc258 View Post
    I don't think he wants to hide the fact that his holy symbol is Xykon's phylactery, since it is widely known ever since this link story arc.
    With Ochuls escape it's probably save to assume every enemy of team evil knows of the phylactery.
    It wont happen, but for some reason I imagine Redcloak sitting Xykon down in front of the TiVo, showing him an image of his phylactery... somewhere (around the neck of the Dark One maybe?).

    And telling him it is in a pretty safe place, as long as nothing happens to Redcloak, so Xykon should probably make an effort to keep him alive and happy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Metal Archon View Post
    If the Resistance just got completely crushed for good, as insinuated by Than, then I doubt Redcloak is going to hide the phylactery any longer to delay their departure. The Elven insurgents are, for all appearances, dead and any organized threat from the resistance is pacified. There isn't much else to wrap up.

    I figured there were more resistance hide-outs, but its rather evident I'm wrong.
    If I was Redcloak I would actually want to move on as quickly as possible, even if I wanted the city to be as sound and secure as possible, based on a couple of things:

    A. The straining of the relationship with Xykon. Longer delays mean more things that could crop up that could strain the relationship more. If one must transport a potentially ticking time bomb best get it to its destination as quickly as possible.
    B. Tsukiko. If Redcloak knows Xykon has her looking into the ritual, well, best not to let her make to much headway with that.

    Ultimately having a stable city for some of goblin kind is great, but far better to make the changes necessary to improve the lot of all goblin kind as quickly as possible and before anything new pops up to scuttle the plan. With the Resistance gone the main thorn in the cities side is dealt with, so on to the next Gate!
    Last edited by Dancing Cthulhu; 2012-01-13 at 08:37 PM.